PT. Bio Farma
Penggunaan Platform Koordinasi & Tracking Proyek di Manpro


For decades of operation, the construction team at Biofarma has relied on manual systems for drawings, project reports, and coordination with its stakeholders.
With dozens of ongoing projects, this also means managing planning, team coordination, drawing submissions, and more are done manually and paper-based. Biofarma needs a platform to manage projects and coordinate with the team that can streamline workflows and standardize project work processes.
Biofarma digitizes its project management workflow for scheduling and workflow. They need a cloud-based platform focused on construction that can support quick and efficient coordination of the entire project team.
Biofarma is a state-owned enterprise in Indonesia operating in the pharmaceutical sector. The company is the sole human vaccine manufacturer in Indonesia and is the largest vaccine producer in Southeast Asia
Bandung, Indonesia

Type of Company
Project Owner

Health, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturer
Biofarma menggunakan Manpro untuk Manajemen Proyek, Tracking Pengajuan & Persetujuan Dokumen, Monitoring Jadwal dan Progress dari seluruh kontraktor yang terlibat dalam proyek yang mereka tangani .
“Dengan penggunaan Manpro, kita lebih mudah dalam berkoordinasi terutama dalam pengajuan dan persetujuan dokumen, monitoring progress & schedulling. Kami dapat memonitor proyek kami lebih mudah, transparan dan mencapai target proyek tepat waktu.”
Agus Sularno
Expert in Project Planning and Implementation Investments at Biofarma.
Combining flexible custom menus and coordination platforms to support Biofarma's role as the largest producer in Southeast Asia.
"We have hundreds of ongoing projects at any given time, and Manpro helps simplify the complex workflow processes."
Agus Sularno
Expert in Project Planning and Implementation Investments at Biofarma.
The features utilized
Paperless form
Flexible Custom Menus
Pengajuan & Persetujuan Dokumen
Dashboard monitoring for all projects
Laporan & Workflow Custom per proyek
More confident in becoming the leading Life Science Global company in the future.
“Dengan penggunaan Manpro, kita lebih mudah dalam berkoordinasi terutama dalam pengajuan dan persetujuan dokumen, monitoring progress & schedulling “
Agus Sularno
Expert in Project Planning and Implementation Investments at Biofarma.
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